Steve Carell will be joining Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston in Apple’s upcoming morning-show drama, Variety reports. While the series has been in the works for over a year now, it is still in development, and as of yet untitled, but the report notes that Carell will be playing Mitch Kessler, “a morning show anchor who is struggling to maintain relevance in a changing media landscape.” This will be the first regular series role for Carell since he left “The Office,” the NBC sitcom on which he first made his name.
The series was the first major drama series to be announced by Apple when it began its foray into original video content, and is being executive produced by Michael Ellenberg, of Media Res studios, along with Jennifer Aniston and Kristen Hahn through Echo Films, and Reese Witherspoon and Lauren Levy Neustadter through Hello Sunshine. Apple landed the project with a two-season order after competitive bidding from a number of outlets.