In the October 2003 issue of Stuff Magazine the Apple iPod goes head to head with Panasonic’s SV-SD85, Philips Key 004, Sharp MT899H and the Sony D-NE1 in their Personal Digital Audio Supertest. They review the 15GB iPod and it wins the test.
Also tested in the same category as the iPod is the Creative Jukebox Zen and the Archos Jukebox AV120. Stuff assemble their “winning team” consisting of the iPod, iMac2, Grado SR60 headphones for indoor use, Sennheiser MX500 for outdoors, and the Acoustic Energy Aego 2 speaker system for hooking up to the iMac/iPod.
Also featured in this issue is an accessories list for the iPod to turn your iPod into a bomb shelter (iPod Armor), a listening post (Boostaroo), a pirate radio station (iTrip), a mini system (NaviPOD remote), and a portable stereo (Creative Travelsound).
Stuff’s website has also posted a Web poll asking, “Gadget of 2003?.” The iPod is winning so far with over 50% of the votes.