Katapult is a win32 application which can start the program(s)of your choice when you connect your iPod to your PC. I personnally made it to start Ephpod with the SYNCHANDQUIT parameter so that when I would plug in my iPod Ephpod would be started, then it would synch, and later exit, all of this automatically.
Katapult always runs in the background, but it’s CPU load and the memory it takes are figures close to zero, so it isn’t a problem, closing is possible with Ctrl-Alt-Del if necessary.
1.0 update includes a configuration utility, meaning it’s even easier then before to set up!
License: Freeware
System Requirements: Windows versions supported should be 95 through XP (95,98,98 SE,2000,Me,XP), it has only been tested on Windows 98 SE, but it should run fine on other versions.