Apologies in advance, Eccentric Goods, for what has to be said in honestly evaluating your new iPadValet ($100) stand for the iPad: for many reasons, this really isn’t a good idea. Positively gargantuan and inefficiently designed by comparison with virtually every iPad stand we’ve previously looked at, iPadValet uses 1/4″ thick aluminum to form what comes out of its large plastic carrying box as a set of long metal brackets, unfolding first into a crucifix and then — after unscrewing three separate pieces and attaching them to different positions, a really big iPad stand.
A hinge in the center of the stand enables you to tilt the iPad on different angles to get it upright. Unfortunately, the whole concept of mounting an iPad by grabbing its sides really isn’t great, nor is iPadValet’s padding design, which accommodates only unencased iPads.
Having to pull pieces on and off with thumbscrews just to render this stand portable is inconvenient, too. Then there’s the name, which Apple’s legal department will torpedo soon after discovering this product’s existence.