One of many cases in Griffin’s Survivor line, Survivor Skin for iPhone 5c ($20) seems to be a rebranding of the company’s Protector, which we previously covered for iPhone 5/5s. Unlike the flagship Survivor, it’s not a multi-component case, but rather a single pieced of molded rubber, currently only offered in black. Compared to the case that inspired it, though, we found ourselves a little disappointed, specifically when it comes to the fit.
Survivor Skin is thicker than most rubber skins, adding a respectable degree of shock protection, as well as button coverage.
Because it includes material over the bezel, too, you have to stretch the case to fit the phone inside. This leads the one real drawback: the rubber above and below the screen doesn’t rest flat. While we saw a similar issue with Protector, but it’s much more pronounced here.
It doesn’t impact the overall level of protection, but is very noticeable, taking away from the case’s visual appeal. Otherwise, the use of mixed textures and thicknesses, clicky button protectors — including the Home Button — and three separate holes on the bottom edge are all nice touches.
Although we liked Survivor Skin, the fact that it doesn’t quite rest flat on the front of the iPhone 5c dropped it to our general-level recommendation.