This review originally appeared within iLounge’s iOS Gems series within the compilation article, iPhone Gems: All 30 Tip Calculators + Meal Splitters, Reviewed. Additional details may be found in the original article.
Busy woodgrain dominates the single-screen interface of Tipper ($1) from Abel Duarte, a bare bones tip calculator.
Text fields allow the user to enter the bill amount and party size, then choose from large buttons labeled bad, good, and excellent, which correspond to the service rating and 10%, 15%, and 20% tip percentages, respectively. The tip amount, grand total, and total per person are listed below the buttons.
User selectable tip percentage, tax calculation, and a cleaner, more readable interface should all be on the developer’s to do list for Tipper; as it stands, it doesn’t meet our standards for recommendation, especially when compared against its competition. iLounge Rating: C-.
Our Rating
Company and Price
Company: Abel Duarte
Website: N/A
Title: Tipper
Price: $1
Compatible: iPhones, iPod touches