New to iOS, or just a long-time user who’s set in your ways? Then you might not know that the latest version of iOS allows newer iPhones, iPod touches, and all iPads to skip directly from one app to the next without needing to hit your Home screen.
Simply double-tap the Home button, and the screen will slide up to reveal a tray of recently opened apps, any of which you can tap on to go directly to that app.
In addition, you can tap and hold on any app to bring up small red buttons in the icons’ corners, which let you quit any apps that have become unresponsive or you otherwise no longer need to have open.
Swipe all the way to the right with the tray pulled up, and you’ll also find a screen with music controls for either the iPod app or any eligible third-party audio app—including Pandora—and either a screen orientation lock toggle or a mute button.