The keyboard on the MacBook Pro released post 2015 suffered from the keyboard problems. Well, not all the units were troublesome but most of them and also it depended on the use-cases of the user. The problem with the keyboard was that it had so less travel for the keys that even a little amount of dust if stuck between the keys would result in the complete stoppage in the working of the key.
A lot of users also reported that the one key press would sometimes result in multiple key presses in some cases. The keyboard replacement initially when out of warranty cost a lot but as Apple found out that the problem was actually bigger than it initially thought, the company started offering free repairs for four years since the date the specific MacBook model went on sale.
Apple fixed the keyboard issue on the 15” MacBook Pro, sort of, by ditching the 15” model in favour of an all new 16” MacBook Pro which features the old scissor keyboard mecanim with new key covers and some changes. The company calls it the Magic Keyboard as its similar to the keyboard found along with the iMac.
Now the question is when will Apple update the 13” MacBook Pro to pack the “old & new” scissor mechanism keyboard which does not suffer from the same issues as the Butterfly Keyboard. The company is definitely working on bringing the keyboard to more and more of its laptops as the company publicly acknowledged the problems with the butterfly keyboard.
Well, the 13” MacBook Pro with a new keyboard mechanism could come out anytime: early 2020 or mid 2020 at WWDC or late 2020 at the usual Mac event in October. It is difficult to say but it Apple is determined not to sell anymore laptops with broken keyboard then its very likely that we will see the 13” MacBook Pro with scissor keyboard in the first quarter of 2020.