A new 3DS game emulator has arrived on the iPhone through the App Store.
The Follum emulator has the distinction of being the first 3DS emulator of its kind on iOS. The app can be downloaded directly from the App Store. However, there are several things you should know. The Nintendo 3DS emulator is priced at $4.99, which might be an issue as a similar software was sued by Nintendo. Yuzu discontinued the app after a lawsuit, and the same might be happening to Follum.
Also, Apple outlined in its regulation that emulators are not allowed to use JIT, or just in time compilation, which leads to reduced performances on older iPhones. Last, it’s possible that all-in-one emulators such as RetroArch could have support for 3DS roms in the future. Aside from being able to run 3DS games, Follum can also emulate Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance games.