Amphetamine developer William Gustafson was notified by Apple regarding the app’s name and was asked to ‘re-brand’ it as it violated App Store guidelines.
‘Amphetamin’ is a free app for Mac that keeps the user’s computer awake for a specified time. The app launched in 2014 and garnered more than 400,000 downloads and has a high rating on the App Store. The app was recently scrutinized even after being on the platform for 6 years.
An Apple representative mentioned how the app promoted the use of controlled substances, and that the app’s icon and name bore resemblances to pills and controlled substances. Gustafson countered by saying how the app did not promote illegal drug use and that amphetamine in general is legal and prescribed in the US.
Gustafson filed an appeal in and received more than 500 signatures, but was contacted shortly by Apple. The App Review Board agreed and allowed the developer to have the app remain unchanged.