Apple recently released the ‘Anti Tracking Transparency’ feature across its iPhones, iPads, and Apple TV hardware. The new feature makes it difficult for advertisers to specifically target users as it completely disables tracking at the system level. On the other hand, Google is also making it difficult for advertisers to track users by completely phasing out third-party cookies.
However, ad agencies are on the positive note about the changes Apple and Google are making. Several agencies have said that the new changes to online tracking for targeted ads will help them to once again increase their relevance in the industry.
Increased demand for adtech firms
To change the strategy of advertising on the internet, Caraway Home Inc. which sells kitchenware on the internet has reportedly now turned to Instagram influencers and bloggers. To have proper analytics, the seller has reportedly tied up with Impact Tech Inc. – a marketing tech firm.
According to Caraway, Impact’s marketing platform will help it have a proper analysis of how effective its content is on blogs and how many mentions its products are receiving on the internet. The platform will also reportedly show how many mentions are turned into sales at the end of the day.
“As customer acquisition on Facebook gets more expensive as these changes roll out, this is set up to be one of the most powerful channels going forward,” said Caraway’s director of growth, Josh Knopman.
As Apple and Google make it difficult to track users, adtech firms that offer services to target consumers are reportedly seeing an increased demand. A contextual intelligence company named GumGum Inc. has reportedly received $75 million from the American multinational bank, Goldman Sachs, for marketing services, according to LiveMint.
Other companies such as Vodafone Group and BMW AG are also working with GumGum Inc. The audio hardware company Bose Corp is also working with GumGum Inc.