Apple is reportedly making an 8-part comedy series with BBC starring Imelda Staunton of the Harry Potter fame. The tentative title of the show is ‘Alabama’, written by Andy Wolton, a former stand-up comedian.
‘Alabama’ is rumored to be in production and is expected to be completed just in time for the Apple TV+ launch. Both BBC and Apple have declined to comment, and the details about the show is yet to go live.
Imelda Staunton is known for playing Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter and for her comedy role in the British series ‘Up The Garden Path’.
Apple TV+ will have several original movies and TV shows set for launch, with notable stars such as Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston and Steve Carell leading the charge. The streaming TV service is expected to be available come fall on Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, Mac and iPod Touch.