Apple has pledged $200 in contributions to a forestry restoration project called ‘Restore Fund’.
‘Restore Fund‘ seeks to remove as much carbon in the atmosphere as possible by initiating forestry projects. At the same time, the program seeks to generate returns to those who invested in them.
The Cupertino-based company aims to remove a million metric tons of carbon dioxide per annum, or equivalent to 200K vehicle emissions. A ‘viable financial model’ is planned ahead of time to boost initial investment costs and translate to more restoration projects in the future.
Apple claims to remove 75 percent of carbon emission from its products and supply chain by 2030, while the rest should be covered by Restore Fund. International standards set by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change will be used to quantify the amount of carbon removed.
Apple has been working to make itself carbon neutral. Its most recent project include a drive to make more than a hundred of its supply chain partners work with 100% renewable energy.