Apple started its first (Apple) Developer Academy in 2013 in Brazil. Since then, the company has successfully opened several developer academies across the globe – more than a dozen. The goal with the academies was to provide the necessary training and the required tools to the people who aspired to be developers, entrepreneurs, and designers.
Two new locations of the Apple Developer Academy are set to open in the near future – one in Korea and the other in Detroit, Michigan. Apple notes that the academy in Detroit will be the first academy in the United States of America (USA). The company has partnered with Michigan State University to offer courses at the Apple Developer Academy in Detroit.
Many have contributed to their communities
In a new press release shared by Apple, the company notes that the programs offered by the Apple Developer Academy have empowered students across the globe to learn app development and gain an understanding of being an entrepreneur. It also adds that many learners from the Apple Developer Academy have gone on to open their own business and publish apps on the App Store. As a result, all the successful people have contributed to their communities in some form or another, according to Apple.
A graduate of the Apple Developer Academy, Antonio Chiappetta who hails from Naples, Italy says that the academy helped him reinforce computer engineering as his career path. He now works as iOS developer at Elevate Labs, the company which is known for creating the popular brain training app Elevate. “The Apple Developer Academy is not just about learning to code. It’s about breaking barriers and empowering students, and has infused me with the enthusiasm and curiosity that drive me today.”
Apple says that it has many expansion plans of the Apple Developer Academy underway. As the academy grows, it expects to train more students.