Apple has lagged behind in terms of sales in India as its products tend to cost much higher than the average price Indians like to shell out. However, 2019 appears to have altogether been a different year for the company as it registered unprecedented sales figures.
The crown goes to the iPhone XR which was sold for extremely low prices during the Dussehra and Diwali sale in India. The device is still being sold for a very budget-friendly price but not as low as it was during Amazon India and Flipkart’s annual sales. The iPhone XR was initially sold for Rs. 76,000 but at present it could be bought for as low as Rs. 42,000 which is a steal.
The newer iPhone 11 has also been priced keeping in mind the budget of the Indian people. The device sells for a maximum retail price (MRP) of Rs. 60,000 which however, could be bought for much lower during sales. The iPhone 11 appears to be doing generally well on the global market compared to the expensive iPhone 11 Pro.
Top premium brand in India
The iPhone sales grew so high that Apple became the “number one” premium brand in the smartphone market, according to Upasana Joshi, Associate Research Manager, Client Devices, IDC India. Apple recorded 51.3% of the sales in the premium smartphone segment during the third quarter of 2019.
Compared to the newer iPhones, the older generation models i.e the iPhone XR, the iPhone 8, and the iPhone 7 appear to have done a better job in the market as the three devices for more than 70% of the Apple’s shipments. Also, the online stores helped the company push more devices as they account for more than 40% of the Apple products shipped.
Apple is finally getting things right in India!