Earlier this month, Apple released a new promotional video for its flagship phones. The advert shows off the photography capabilities of the iPhone 12 series in the dark or low-light conditions. The description of the video on YouTube details that the phones can capture “amazing selfies” in the dark.
The iPhone 12 series offers many camera improvements over the previous generation models. The company launched the iPhone 12 mini, the iPhone 12, the iPhone 12 Pro, and the iPhone 12 Pro Max last year in the month of October. While the megapixel count of the camera is similar to that of the iPhone 11 series, the sensors are largely improved and Apple has also improved the software to take better pictures in the dark.
Apple only introduced the “Night Mode” capabilities on the iPhone with the 2019 iPhone 11 series. The Android smartphone market got the same features earlier than the iPhone. However, Apple has done a great job to make its night photography capabilities stand out from the competition.
The iPhone 11 which is still sold by Apple is only capable of taking “Night Mode” shots using the rear camera. But last year, Apple added the same night mode capabilities to the front camera of the iPhone with the twelfth generation. As a result, iPhone 12 users can take selfies even in dark conditions.
The iPhone 12 mini is the cheapest and the latest flagship Apple phone at $729 (US). The iPhone 12 starts at $829, the iPhone 12 Pro starts at $999, and the iPhone 12 Pro Max starts at $1,099.
The iPhone 12 series which was released last year in October has a slightly new design compared to the previous generation iPhones. Apple introduced the flat design on the iPhone 12 models which seems slightly inspired from the 2012 iPhone 5.