Apple and The UK Electronics Skills Foundation have launched ‘Girls into Electronics’ program to inspire young women to get into engineering and electronics.
This year’s ‘Girls into Electronics’ will launch in June and will support girls between the ages of 15 to 18. Around 400 participants will be invited to the program, which is timed in conjunction with International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
The UKESF’s intent is to raise the number of women who will study Electronic and Engineering degrees, as only 335 enrolled in the course in 2021. Aside from improving gender balance in the industry, the organization seeks to address the demand for graduates in the global semiconductor market. Collaborating with Apple will lead to events, such as tours, lectures, and student input on leading universities in the UK, including Bristol, Imperial College London, Southampton, and Leeds.
Applications for the ‘Girls into Electronics’ program are now open at the official UKESF website.