According to some sources, Apple is working on AirPods 3 which might be released along with the upcoming iPhone 11 by the end of 2019. The AirPods 3 is expected to have a noise cancellation feature that would provide a better audio experience in noisy environments.
That being said, the third-generation AirPods is to have better audio quality compared to its previous AirPods models. According to industry sources, the AirPods 3 are reported to be assembled in Taiwan by the company named “Inventec” along with some parts in China by “Luxshare Precision” company.
According to statistics, Apple had sold over 35 million units of AirPods in 2018. With such a large number of sales, it allowed Apple to get a hold of 75% of the global wireless market share. Apple is expected to have 50 million units of its AirPods to be shipped by the end of 2019.
Since many people were interested in Apple’s first and second generation AirPods, other brands such as Huawei, Xiaomi, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google have decided to join the competition by working on their own wireless headsets. Apple competitors are expected to release their own true wireless headsets by the end of 2019.
Although the noise-cancellation feature uses a lot of power, it’s unclear how Apple is to deal with this issue on the AirPods 3. It’s possible that the company might include a bigger wireless battery case. However, users may not prefer any larger battery case then the AirPods 2 due to its comfort and weight.