Apple released its earnings report for the third fiscal quarter of 2021 on Wednesday. The company generated a whopping $81 billion in revenue and to better understand the contribution of various product categories, Six Colors’ Jason Snell prepared a pie chart. It shows that the iPhone generated most of the revenue, accounting for 49% of the $81 billion generated.
The second most revenue generating category at Apple is its services business. It generated 21% of the total revenue in the third fiscal quarter of 2021. Apple CEO Tim Cook has talked at length several times about the importance of its services offering. While the sales of iPhones are still growing, the sales had slightly dropped last year as people are not upgrading their phones as often. In such a world where people do not upgrade their iPhones, Apple needs a solid revenue generator to substitute for the reduced iPhone sales and the services business does exactly that.
“Our record June quarter operating performance included new revenue records in each of our geographic segments, double-digit growth in each of our product categories, and a new all-time high for our installed base of active devices,” said Apple CFO Luca Maestri. We generated $21 billion of operating cash flow, returned nearly $29 billion to our shareholders during the quarter, and continued to make significant investments across our business to support our long-term growth plans.”
After the iPhone and the Services, the third position in categories of products Apple sells is the ‘Wearables’ sector which accounted for 11% of the revenue generated in the third fiscal quarter of 2021. The fourth position is taken by the Mac which accounts for 10% of the revenue and it is followed by the iPad which accounts for 9% of the revenue.
Apple reported a profit of $21.7 billion in the third fiscal quarter of 2021.