Previously, Apple’s MacBook Air 2018 had display brightness up to 300 nits. But, Apple has just revised the specs of the 2018 MacBook Air. According to the specs, you’ll be able to increase the display brightness up to 400 nits.
On 25th of March, Apple released the macOS 10.14.4 software update for the MacBook Air 2018 in which they completely highlighted the change in screen brightness. Now, when Apple has updated the MacBook Air 2018 specs, we completely understand that this has everything to do with a recent macOS update.
The previous macOS software updates had display brightness up to 234 nits and then we got approximately 315 nits in 2018. Now with the latest update, we now get 400 nits on the 2018 MacBook Air. Let’s see how the brightness graph will go in the future with the next updates.
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