Apple has announced that it will co-produce a new series “Losing Alice” which is a neo-noir psychological thriller. The series comes from Sigal Avin who is the creator, writer, and director of the series. Apple will debut this series on Apple TV+ but there has been no confirmed release date yet.
The series is based on a character named Alice who is a 48-year old female film director. According to Apple, the series is a thrilling cinematic journey that uses flash-forwards and flashbacks to give the viewer one of the best thrillers of the age. The TV series has a complex narrative and the viewers will love it.
Apple describes the series as:
When Alice has a brief encounter with a 24-year old girl Sophie, she becomes obsessed with her who is a screenwriter femme fatale. Apple says that the series will explore various aspects of the female Faust such as complex relationships between two women, jealously, fear of aging, guilt, etc. Lihi Kornowski plays the character of Sophie and Ayelet Zurer plays the character of Alice in the series.