A new drama series, titled ‘Lessons in Chemistry’ is set to become an exclusive to Apple TV+. The 60’s era show features Hollywood actress Brie Larson as the protagonist.
‘Lessons in Chemistry’ tells the story of Elizabeth Zott (Brie Larson), someone who’s aspiring to be a scientist but is being held back by gender stereotypes. The series comes from a book of the same name, penned by Bonnie Garmus. Michael Costigan, Jason Bateman and Brie Larson will serve as executive producers while Susannah Grant will be the show’s writer and executive producer.
Brie Larson is best known for her work as ‘Captain Marvel’ and ‘Room’, where she won Golden Globe and Academy Awards. ‘Lessons in Chemistry’ will be arriving on Apple TV+ sometime in Spring of 2022.
Apple TV+ is a streaming service that costs $4.99 a month and features exclusive Apple originals such as ‘Ted Lasso’, ‘The Morning Show’ and ‘The Servant’, among others.