Apple has released a new Activity Challenge for the Apple Watch in line with Heart Month. Apple Watch users must complete their daily Exercise ring for seven straight days within the Activity app. The challenge begins February 8 and ends February 14, 2020.
Completing the Activity Challenge will give users special iMessage stickers and a heart-themed award. Challenges for the Apple Watch are often launched in line with holidays or special occasions, such as New Year’s, Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day and Earth Day, among others. You can check your achievements by going to the Awards tab in the Activity app on your iPhone. Update the Activity app to the latest version to see the update.
Apple’s last company-wide event, ‘Close Your Rings’, which tailors to employees were recently postponed due to store closures and the coronavirus. Before that, the Cupertino-based company has released activities for New Year’s (Ring in the New Year’ and Thanksgiving.