Apple has announced that its Siri grading will be making a comeback. Furthermore, the company has posted an FAQ regarding the program and any privacy concerns with Siri.
In the FAQ, Apple mentions that Siri has a very different privacy policy compared to other voice assistants. The Cupertino-based firm has also pointed out that the business does not revolve around collecting user data.
One of the clarifications Apple has mentioned is that Siri isn’t always listening in on others, and that it only gets activated the moment it hears the words, ‘Hey, Siri’. Moreover, Apple says that the employees who are assigned to grade the recordings only get access to them for work purposes.
Siri interaction transcripts are used to improve the process and aren’t linked to any Apple ID. In the FAQ, it says that these recordings are deleted after 6 months and if you don’t wish to be graded then Dictation and Siri may be disabled in the device’s Settings.