Earlier today Apple launched a new website that will allow Apple Cardholders to make bill payments online. The website will also allow them to view the statements, and check balances.
The Apple Cardholders can sign in with their Apple IDs on the website. Once users sign in they can see the balance in the payments section in the middle and the next to it is the information about the next scheduled payment. The users can also view monthly statements.
They can add a bank account from the settings. They can also manage their payments through the settings. The website also has a support section that also includes a phone number that the users can call to take help if they need it.
According to Apple the Apple Card users now have more ways to manage their accounts. They can now use Apple Card monthly installments without the iPad or an iPhone. Apple has given information to the customers about how they can win daily cash awards. There are also changes to the monthly installment plans.
Apple also mentions that if the users need to access these new features and get complete access to their respective user accounts, they will have to update to the latest version of the iOS, macOS, iPad-OS, and WatchOS.