Last week Apple imposed purchase limits on iPhone, MacBook Air and iPad Pro outside China. Apple has now lifted the purchase limit and customers can now order devices without any limit outside China.
Apple imposed a purchase limit of only two iPad Pro models for a single customer. Last week, the customers could not order more than two iPad Pro models. Also, there was a limit of ordering five MacBook Air and Mac Mini per customer. Now Apple lifts this purchase limit and customers can now order more devices.
However, Apple lifts order and purchase the limit is only outside China. Apple has no limits on orders of iPhone in China but there is a limit of five MacBook Air orders per customer. China is now recovering from the COVID-19; Apple is also making changes in the stores there.
There is also a limit of ordering iPad Pro in China. However, currently, customers cannot order the iPad Pro in china as this time as approval for the device in the country is still pending. As soon as the country will approve the device, customers will then be allowed to order iPad Pro with a certain limit.