Earlier today Apple released a video titled, “Creativity Goes On.” It shows the people who are working from home, students who are learning from home.
The purpose of the video is to show how people are entertaining them while they are in the lockdown state. The video also shows people using FaceTime and other Apple apps to spend time at home.
Apple always sees a way to market its products. Showing how people are interacting with each other while maintaining social distance is a getaway to ensure that people keep using the Apps. Also, Apple has been offering a lot of new content for families and kids at home to keep themselves entertained.
According to Apple the company deeply believes in the power of creativity and how people can use different Apps to be creative and create unique ideas. Apple says that it has inspired millions of people across the globe by giving them the Apps to be more creative. The people use the Apps to share their creative ideas, their creations. Apple says that it inspires people to use Apps to share their humanity, hope, and ingenuity.
In the video’s description, Apple says that these stay at home tools are for kids, families, and people who work from home.