Earlier today Apple announced that it will launch the App Store lab’s online version. It will provide the developers to share feedback and improve the App Store. The developers can share their suggestions through this new platform. Apple plans to take these suggestions and help the community.
This summer Apple will make two changes to the App Store review process. The developers can appeal against the decision that their app violates the App Store Review Guidelines and in addition to this, they can now challenge the guideline itself. The second change is that Apple will no longer delay bug fixes for the existing apps that are facing guidelines violation issues.
Phil Schiller who is Apple Store lead and Apple’s marketing chief says:
“This year at WWDC20, we’ve added online App Store Labs, extended the annual App Store developer survey”
He also added:
“We want to hear directly from hundreds of thousands of developers on how they want us to improve the App Store for them and users.”
Apple makes these changes after facing renewed scrutiny over its App Store practices. Also, the earlier European Commission announced that it will now investigate Apple’s in-app purchase system.