Earlier today Apple informed its developers about the release of updated Human Interface Guidelines for Apple’s HealthKit. These guidelines will help the developers to use the Apple Health app icon. The updated guidelines also include new privacy guidelines. These also include an update of the new Apple Health-related terms and also guidelines for data usage.
The developers can now find these new guidelines on Apple’s developer website. These guidelines are for those developers who use the HealthKit SDK for development of the fitness-focused and health-related apps. This SDK allows the developers to collect the data and then show it on respective Apps. The developers who use this SDK need to provide a coherent and comprehensive privacy policy. They also need to provide descriptive messages when they want to access health-related data.
Now the developers who use the HealthKit SDK will have to follow these new guidelines for developing the new Apps. Also, the developers can now use the Apple Health icon for promotional purposes. Apple also has guidelines for those who want to use the icon for promoting their App. For example, the developers will have to follow the Apple Guidelines and no others. The developers cannot use this icon as a button.