According to a report by Bloomberg, Apple CEO Tim Cook says that Apple has plans to reopen its stores in Australia and Austria in the next one or two weeks. Apple has more than twenty stores in Australia and one store in Austria.
Tim Cook made this announcement giving an interview to Bloomberg also sharing Apple’s earnings for the second quarter of 2020. According to Cook, Apple will decide to reopen the stores by analyzing data city by city. He also said that the reopening depends on the “circumstances in that particular place.” Cook also said that only a few stores will reopen in the USA in early May.
Deirdre O’Brien who is Apple retail chief told the employees that they can expect to open stores in May. According to Cook, Apple will not reopen its Cupertino campuses till June 2020. Apple campuses are located in Santa Clara County. The county has extended the shelter-in-place orders till the end of May.
Cook also said that the Cupertino campus will reopen after ensuring that the employees are not sick, they are maintaining social distance and wearing masks.