NBC News says that the FBI has reportedly asked Apple to help unlock the iPhones belonging to Mohammed Saeed, who went on a shooting spree last month at the Naval Air Station in Florida.
In the letter sent to Katherine Adams, Apple’s general counsel, the FBI mentioned that the two iPhones were password-protected and damaged by gunfire. However, Apple sent a statement to NBC that they have already sent all relevant data to the bureau.
In 2016, Apple was ordered by a US federal judge to unlock an iPhone used by one of the two San Bernardino shooters, Syed Farook. In reply, the Cupertino-based company said that they will be setting a ‘dangerous precedent’ if it complied.
The dispute ended when the FBI found a way to unlock the iPhone without Apple’s help. The lawsuit was withdrawn, and Apple continued drawing a hard line unlocking iPhone passwords for the FBI.