Apple has recently redesigned its Apple Pay site and added a new Apple Wallet webpage to let visitors know of its new payment services and features.
The new pages feature eye-catching graphics and animations while laying out how convenient, secure and private Apple’s mobile payment platforms are. In the Wallet page, the types of passes and cards that can be stored in an Apple Watch or iPhone are detailed. It also has information on the security and privacy features of the app.
An extensive FAQ section can be found below, which answers several questions such as the difference between Apple Pay and Apple Wallet. In the meantime, the Apple Pay page highlights its contactless payment, retailer support and ease of use.
Apple mentions in the page that Apple Pay can be used for purchases in Mac, iPad and iPhone through the Safari browser. A single glance or touch is all that’s needed to buy. In the same vein, Apple says that Apple Pay can be used to subscribe to Apple TV+, Apple News+ and Apple Music.