Today at Apple sessions have been closed for a long time now due to the pandemic. Apple now launched a new program Today at Apple (at Home). This is the program that replaces the sessions that took place at the retail stores.
Today at Apple sessions typically offer hands-on opportunities to learn and inspire customers. Now with the home initiative of the Today at Apple, it includes new activities for the people to try at home. Apple says that this service will be very helpful for both Apple and its customers while they are at home.
Today at Apple website has products and features developed by Creative Pros. The sessions are presented in the form of short videos. This digital version will be in three separate sessions. Creative Pros filmed these sessions in Singapore, Santa Monica, and London.
With these sessions, the customers can learn how to take photos with the iPhone, draw amazing portraits using iPad, and much more. Apple has plans to add more content and offer more sessions in the future. Each session is an in-person session that draws famous skills and techniques to use Apple products.
Apple seeks to offer this service until the stores reopen around the world.