Apple has integrated new features for both walking and hiking routes into the iOS 18 Maps app. Map users of Apple can now search for trails and hikes in all 63 National Parks in the U.S. arranged by elevation, length, and type of route. They can also make their own custom hiking route with out-and-back, loop, or one-way options, and then save it in the app.
Last year, Apple introduced topographic maps on watchOS 10 on the Apple Watch, which are now also available on iOS 18 on the iPhone. These can be saved for offline use with a turn-by-turn voice guide. This is only restricted to the US, while topographic maps are accessible in Japan, as stated on Apple’s website.
The new feature delivers a way for Apple Maps users to explore the world by searching for national parks across the United States, filter hikes according to their preference, and have a useful tool for planning anything from a short exercise to a whole trip of exploration and touring new cities.