Apple has added animated album covers to its music streaming service. The beta version of iOS 14.3 and also macOS 11.1 pack the feature; it could launch with the final build version, however sometimes features also get postponed.
We do know that Apple is experimenting with the way the album artwork is shown. The general audience could be able to experience the animations very soon. With the release of iOS 14, Apple launched animated covert art for playlists. The upcoming update could bring the same feature to albums as well.
Animated album covers soon
A 9To5Mac reader and a Redditor reportedly got hands-on experience with the animated album art. The same person reported that only a few artists like Pearl Jam, Future Utopia, and Big Sean had their cover art as animated artwork. However, it could very well change when Apple fully launches the new feature.
Apple Music launched in 2015 and has grown at a rapid pace since then. Apple basically used Beats’ streaming service to speed up the process after purchasing Beats the previous year (2014). Spotify continues to the hold the #1 position in terms of number of users, however, Apple continues to grow.
When Apple Music launched, the service was available in most countries across the globe. Whereas it took years for Spotify to enter markets like India and other populous countries. Spotify was only able to fully enter the Indian music streaming market in 2019 – it took years of work. Apple of course has the advantage of being a large company with a lot of money to quickly get work done.
On the other hand, there are other streaming services like Amazon Music, Tidal from Jay-Z, and a lot more. However, none of them have been able to reach the heights of Apple Music or Spotify. Amazon Music continues to grow slightly because of it being bundled with the Amazon Prime subscription.