The noted Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities brings new insights of the upcoming Mac computers. For long we have heard that Apple will start using ARM based chips in its Macs, making a big transition from Intel. The Macs right now use the x86 architecture processors and Kuo believes that Apple will unveil a range of Mac laptops and desktops featuring ARM chips next year.
It has almost been as if the news was confirmed by Apple, we have been hearing rumors and found leaked reports suggesting that the company will move to using its own chips. The iPad and the iPhone already use custom silicon designed by Apple based on the ARM architecture and they are the most powerful in the category.
Apple has clearly beaten Qualcomm’s Snapdragon and other smartphone chip makers by making the fastest mobile chips on the planet. In 2018, when the new iPad Pro was released, a promo showed off the iPad Pro by suggesting that the tablet was faster than 95% of the PCs (personal computers) out in the world.
We do not doubt Apple when it says that its A-series chips used in the iPad and the iPhone can beat a lot of desktop class computers because we know that it’s true. The benchmarks show off the great speeds of the custom Apple chips and also real time use of the devices have shown that they are not slow by any means.
By making the move from Intel to its own ARM based chips for the Mac, Kuo believes that Apple will save 40-60% processor cost. We do not know whether Apple will pass on the benefits to the consumers, if it does actually release ARM based Macs in the future.
Previously, Kuo had also suggested that in late 2020, Apple will show off one ARM based Mac. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, plans could change and Apple could very well save the big things for 2021.