Apple recently handed out awards for the best apps on the App Store. The ‘Best Of’ winners were given physical awards, some of which have been posted on the internet.
Paimon, who made Genshin Impact has recently made a post about Genshin Impact winning Game of the Year.
The 2020 ‘Best Of’ App Store award is made completely from recycled aluminum and has a square shape and an a logo of the App Store at the front. At the back is the developer’s name, engraved in the material.
A letter of congratulations from Tim Cook, Apple CEO accompanies the physical award. The letter states how the app showcase the highest levels when it comes to impact, innovation and quality, and how the app has made a ‘dent in the universe’ in the year 2020.
The award winners include Shine, Pokemon Go, Caribu, Everything Whiteboard, Sneaky Sasquatch, Endel, Dandara Trials of Fear, Disney+, Disco Elysium, Zoom, Wakeout!, ShareTheMeal, Genshin Impact and Fantastical.