If you struggle to maintain your bills or log payments, then this deal is perfect for you. Chronicle Pro Budgeting Tool helps you with all your financial needs and utilizes tools such as Forecast View that allows you to preview upcoming bills for months in advance and even allows you to calculate estimates on amounts due.
What makes Chronicle Pro different from the rest is that it allows you to track any and all spendings and can even help you calculate how much money you need to save up. Hence, you can be assured to never be caught off-guard or surprised by a late bill ever again.
The user interface of the application is super newbie friendly, so tracking and monitoring any spendings is made simple with the easy-to-read dashboard.
The Chronicle Pro is a life-saver and will ultimately make you a much more organized person, not with just paying bills or monitoring your money/spendings, but will also help you to master time-management so you have more time to do things that you love.