Apple launched the second generation iPhone SE recently which features a small 4.7” screen. The major reason for the success of the original iPhone SE was its size and its price. Apple did get both the things right with the second generation iPhone SE as well. However, the scenario has changed dramatically since 2016 when the original iPhone SE – people are now used to using bezel less phones as even $150 budget phones offer full-screen experience.
The fall of 2020 appears to have some exciting products in store. Apple is reportedly working on a new form factor for an iPhone 12 model. Along with the usual large iPhones, the company is reportedly planning to release a 5.4” iPhone 12 with no bezels on the top or the bottom – just like the iPhone 11.
It has also been reported by Jon Prosser, the famous Apple leakster that the 5.4” iPhone 12 will cost $649 – a sweet price point for a brand new flagship smartphone. Also, the 5.4” iPhone 12 will use an OLED panel instead of the LCD panels which are used in budget iPhones at the moment.
Apple is reportedly planning to use displays manufactured by BOE in the 5.4” iPhone 12 and the 6.1” iPhone 12. Whereas the “Pro” models of the iPhone 12 will reportedly use displays manufactured by Samsung which are more expensive.
The 5.4” iPhone 12 will feature two cameras on the back – a regular wide shooter and an ultra-wide shooter. On the front, the 5.4” iPhone 12 will of course pack the facial recognition system FaceID as the phone will go completely bezel less but will have a notch on the top to accommodate the FaceID tech and the front camera.
However, various reports have suggested that Apple will miniaturize the notch on its upcoming iPhones.