The sound team responsible for the audio in Apple TV+ movie ‘Greyhound’ recently showed how they mixed it in to make a key battle scene more dramatic.
‘Greyhound’ was considered a blockbuster hit, with many critics and users heaping praise on Apple’s feature film. Audio mixing was one of its greatest achievements and was a collaborative effort by David Wyman, Warren Shaw and Michael Minkler.
In a recent interview, the audio crew showed how different elements were combined together, such as the high seas, the ships’ engines and explosions on both ends. Minkler explained that their objective was to make the audience ‘hear’ where the speed ramps up and dies down. Torpedo sounds were made hyper-dramatic as the rushed through the water.
They also mentioned that microphones and playback speakers were placed throughout to help actors and capture dialog and sound.
‘Greyhound’ is an Apple TV+ original exclusive and available to watch on the streaming platform.