WhatsApp has started to ban users that are using 3rd party applications like GBWhatsApp, WhatsApp Plus and YOWhatsApp on their Android devices. Users that have installed any modded version of WhatsApp are at risk of getting banned and may lose their chat history.
WhatsApp has requested it’s users not use such 3rd party Apps as they aren’t developed by the official company. Such Apps also violates WhatsApp’s Terms of Services and aren’t safe for its users.
“If you received an in-app message stating your account is Temporarily banned this means that you’re likely using an unsupported version of WhatsApp instead of the official WhatsApp app. If this is the case, you must download the official app to continue using WhatsApp”, the company states on its FAQ page.
Millions of people are using the modded version of WhatsApp as they have extra features which the original App doesn’t. It’s unclear if such actions by WhatsApp would prevent its users from using such 3rd party Apps. However, WhatsApp has requested users who plan to switch back to the original App are to take a full backup to avoid losing their chat history.