Apple unveiled the new redesigned iPad mini with a larger 8.3” display on 14 September at its ‘October streaming’ event. The device is now powered by the company’s latest A15 Bionic chip which is found on the new iPhone 13 series. It now also supports USB-C which makes it easier to charge and transfer data using the same cable as used on all other devices.
The display on the iPad mini is fantastic – it features a large 8.3” Liquid Retina display with minimal bezels all around. The display gets decently bright at up to 500 nits and it supports P3 wide color gamut. Also, the iPad mini now has an anti-reflective coating on the screen which will make it slightly easy to use under the sun. It is also a fully laminated display which further enhances the experience of viewing content on the device.
USB-C is a fantastic addition
Unlike the previous iPad mini, the fingerprint reader is now placed in the power button up top, so there is no Home Button anymore. Apple has also added stereo speakers on the iPad mini which make the experience of listening to music and watching content on the device, more enjoyable.
“With its ultra-portable design and wide range of uses from everyday tasks to creative and enterprise applications, there’s nothing else like iPad mini,” said Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing Greg Joswiak. “With a new all-screen Liquid Retina display, massive boost in performance, new advanced cameras on the front and back, Center Stage, USB-C, 5G, and support for Apple Pencil, the new iPad mini is a huge leap forward that can be held in the palm of your hand.”
The new iPad mini starts at $499 (USD) for the 64GB storage. It is a tiny powerhouse with the latest A15 Bionic chip underneath.