Earlier this week Apple made the Apple Magic Keyboard for online orders. Most of the deliveries are expected in the next week. As the orders begin to arrive, new hands-on videos for the Apple Magic Keyboard for the iPad Pro have surfaced online. Various users who have sued the product shared videos of the new product.
Two iPad users have posted various videos online. According to Macrumors, there are seven videos online for the new Apple Magic Keyboard which gives the first look at the product. The first of those videos were in the Thai language. It featured the product’s unboxing. The same users posted another video that showcases the USB C port in the Magic Keyboard. This USB C port on the keyboard is for pass-through charging. It is also used for the brightness of the keyboard’s backlit keys.
Another YouTube user with the name MrExitStrategy posted four videos in English. These videos give details about the new features of the keyboard. The first video the user shared shows the hinge and its overall design.
In another video, the users shared the details about the preferences pane in the Settings App. It reveals that the users can now change the keyboard’s backlit brightness both manually and automatically.