Apple released the iPhone 12 series amid much hope from fans that it would have a high refresh rate display but of course, it did not. The company instead focused on bringing the next generation cellular network technology 5G to its phones. The reasoning behind, according to sources with information, the move is the increased power consumption of 5G; adding a high refresh rate display would increase power consumption even more.
However, it is very likely that Apple will introduce 120Hz high refresh rate displays on its upcoming iPhone lineup. The iPhone 13 (let’s assume) Pro series will use 120Hz displays for smooth motion and transitions. Various insider sources have leaked the information which of course cannot be confirmed but various analysts have also predicted the move. Apple must have figured out a way to improve the efficiency of its chips or the display or plainly better manage the power consumption of 5G cellular technology.
In the Android world, flagship smartphones have had high refresh rate displays for years now. Samsung has been packing 120Hz displays in its smartphones since the 2020 Galaxy S20 series. Razer Phone was the first in the market to bring a 120Hz high refresh rate display. Since then, many smartphone manufacturers have begun using high refresh rate displays.
Smaller notch – a tiny design refresh
Apart from the new displays, the iPhone 13 is also expected to have a smaller notch compared to the current generation iPhones. The notch size on the iPhone has not changed since the introduction of the iPhone X in 2017. The company uses the notch area to pack components – such as infrared blaster, depth sensor, and more – required for facial recognition.
The design of the iPhone 13 is expected to be largely as the iPhone 12 with a flat body. Most people prefer the flat edges on the iPhone 12 to the curved body of the previous generation iPhones.