Earlier today it was reported that a European Group of companies is asking Apple to compensate all users for slowing down the iPhones three years ago. Apple did intentionally slow down the iPhones to protect the battery.
Apple failed to tell the customers that it had taken such an action. Later Apple apologized and then also introduced a cheaper battery, but Apple had to face several lawsuits for doing so.
Now Apple can expect to add one more lawsuit to the list of those lawsuits. A Dutch Publication says that 5 European consumer organizations have now asked Apple to compensate the users for doing so. According to iClulture:
“The group operates under the name Euroconsumers”
The group has Belgian Test Achats, Spanis OCU, Portuguese Deco-Proteste, Italian AltroConsumo, and also Brazilian Proteste. According to sources, these companies want Apple to pay 60 Euros to each user because “the user’s artificial life was shortened.”
In February the French government settled this case with Apple and fined it 25 million Euros. iCulture says that this could be the reason that the Euroconsumers group has filed the case now after three years.
Currently, Apple has not responded to this notice. The group has written Apple about this twice, on June 11 and then on July 2. In the later message, the group has asked Apple to respond in fifteen days and after that, the group will take legal action against Apple.