Earlier yesterday Indian government ordered a 21-day lockdown in the country due to coronavirus. The governed ordered the people to stay at home for the next 21 days to slow down the spread of the virus. The next 21 days Apple factories in India will remain close.
According to the news by Bloomberg, “Foxconn and Wistron Corp. have suspended production at their India plants, which include the assembly of some Apple Inc. iPhone models, to comply with a nationwide lockdown ordered by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”
The report by Bloomberg also adds, “Foxconn, also known as Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., is suspending operations until April 14, the company said in a text message to Bloomberg News. It intends to resume India production based on further government announcements. A Wistron representative said the company is also adhering to the order while declining to comment on exactly what products are affected.”
Apple is one of the most successful brands in India. Last year with 41% annual growth, Apple was the fastest growing brand in India. Apple also has plans to open an online store in India in 2020. Apple also has plans to open the first retail store in India next year.