Uniquely decorated iPods including rare 1st gen models that were previously owned by the late Karl Lagerfeld, a German fashion designer, have hit the auction block. The cultural icon passed away back in 2019. Sotheby’s held the auction of these gadgets, which featured various custom iPods that were part of Legrfeld’s collection that are each loaded with music he has curated.
Lagerfeld used to have an iPod nanny which was used to add new music to the gadgets and the iPods were pretty much like cassette tapes. He collected more than 300 devices and has a collection of other Apple gadgets like iPhones and iPads which he turned into diaries and sketchbooks in digital form. He did not use email and preferred to go with handwritten responses.

The auction formed part of the large sale of the estate of Lagerfeld which has more than 200 lots, and was closed on the 31st of January. It offered a closer look into the fashion designer’s professional and personal life.