Wired: iTunes Music Swap Just Won’t Die
Leander Kahney has a report about Apple axing iTunes’ Internet sharing feature…
“MP3.com backs Apple’s new iPod”
Internet Magazine reports MP3.com Europe will be promoting its service to registered…
Daring Fireball vs. Knee-Jerk Critics
John Gruber of Daring Fireball has weighed in on the iTunes Internet…
NY Post: Apple, Amazon in Online Music Talks
It seems that Amazon might soon be jumping on the iTunes Music…
CNET: Microsoft, again: Apple’s old nemesis
“In a masterstroke of technological and marketing acumen, Apple Computer appeared to…
“How to Upgrade iTunes Without Losing Sharing”
Author Jim Heid of Avondale Media has posted a great tip on…
NYT: Apple Finds the Future for Online Music Sales
‘The Pop Life’ columnist, Neil Strauss writes about Apple’s success with iTunes…
KBase Documents updated for iTunes 4
iTunes 4.0.1 for Mac OS X: Information and Download iTunes 4: Shared…
CNET: “Apple limits iTunes file sharing”
Ian Fried, staff writer for CNET News.com reports on the latest iTunes…
Apple Disables iTunes Sharing with 4.0.1 upgrade
Apple has released iTunes 4.01, a small upgrade, with “a number of…
TechTV: AAC Developer Interview
On Tuesday, May 20 at 7 p.m. Eastern, The Screen Savers cable…
PC World: Piracy Worries End ITunes Streaming
Paul Roberts, IDG News Service for PC World reports on iTunes sharing/swapping,…
AAC vs. MP3: Tested and Rated Part 2
Gunnar Van Vliet has written Part 2 of his “REPORT ON THE…
Apple KBase: iTunes 4 Tips & Tricks
Apple has recently posted a new Knowledge Base article for iTunes 4:…
ShareiTunes Offers New Search Features
ShareiTunes has added a new keyword search feature, which searches share name,…
Apple: iTunes Music Store Tops Two Million Song Downloads
Today Apple announced in a press release that it has sold over…
LA Times: Song Sharing by iTunes Users Stirs Piracy Concerns
Los Angeles Times staff writer Jon Healey writes about the brewing debate…
ShareiTunes Adds Playlist Browsing
Share iTunes has added playlist browsing to its list of features. Click…