It’s nice to have a portable backup power for your devices when you’re outdoors. Even better is if it runs on green energy. For weekend warriors and outdoor enthusiasts, a portable solar panel can solve most energy issues, and today the Jackery SolarSaga Portable Solar Panels are down 30%.
Jackery’s solar panels are made from durable ETFE material and touts a longer life than the competition. It’s lighter and has a higher light transmittance so you can make the most of your charging sessions. Conversion efficiency peaks and can give you 23 percent more efficiency than traditional panels.
As for output, you get a USB C and USB A to handle simultaneous device charging, including digital cameras, earphones, tablets and smartphones. Once you’re done it only takes a few seconds to fold it up and stash it away.
Jackery SolarSaga products are great for those who want clean and noiseless solar energy. At 30% off, you should check one out today!