Apple released the current generation Mac Pro last year. The company was under fire for several years for not releasing any proper “Pro” grade Mac machines. The 2013 Mac Pro suffered from various issues such as lack of upgradability, less configuration options, and it was more expensive than its predecessor.
The 2019 Mac Pro fixed most of the issues professionals faced with the 2013 Mac Pro by going back to the “tried & tested” design. The design of the 2019 Mac Pro is very similar to the Mac Pro that preceded the 2013 circular designed Mac Pro – there are a couple of differences of course but the core elements are similar.
iPad and Mac to come closer
The next wave of Macs will be powered by Apple Silicon, the company’s own chips that are set to rival Intel chips. Apple has been long rumoured to be working on its own chips for the Mac as Intel has not been able to keep up with the innovations in the silicon industry. The chips that power the iPhone and iPad continue to improve in performance every year while also turning more efficient.
Apple has said that the transition to Apple Silicon from Intel will take two years and also added that the company will continue to release Intel based Macs as well during the transition period. All the rumours and leaks suggest that the first batch of Macs running on Apple Silicon will be MacBooks.
It will be easier for Apple to move the MacBooks to Apple SIlicon first as they are very similar to the iPad Pro in terms of performance. It could take some time for the company to make chips as powerful as Intel Xeon to power the “Pro” grade Mac computers. Apple could continue to release updated Mac Pro configurations in 2021 with a newer generation of Intel chips.
Of course, it is impossible to confirm whether any of the rumours have any truth to them. Apple could very well surprise us with something we can’t even begin to fathom. The company is reportedly planning to hold an event in November to unveil the first Apple Silicon based Mac.